Monday 12 October 2015

Welcome to Term Four

Home Learning Room Rima
Dear Parent(s)/ Caregivers

I am very excited about teaching your children this term.  It is going to be a productive term packed with learning.
For home learning, children will receive a home learning sheet, which will include spelling, and Basic Facts to practise daily There will be no spelling this week as I will be testing them to determine their level. 
Your child will be given a reader each night, and I am hoping you will find the time to listen to your son or daughter read aloud to you. Please sign their Reading Log each night.
On occasions, tasks may be given to them that are relevant to what we are learning in class.

 Notices for the week   will be put into their home learning sheet.
Home learning is to be handed in on Friday.
This is what we are focusing on this term:
Writing Narratives, Recounts and Poetic writing
Maths Addition and subtraction and Statistics
Health Sun Smart, Life Education, Swimming and Boat Safety
Reading Fiction and Non Fictional Text
PE:  Striking and Fielding (soccer)   Co-operative games
Maori:  Marae visit and protocols 
Drama: plays
Music: Marae songs
Visual Arts Carvings and Ceramics
As this term is going to be warmer I think it is important for student to bring a water bottle and they will be able to have this on their desk during class time. A sun hat is also recommended.
The students will be given an opportunity to have a “snack attack” during the first block, before morning tea.  This snack must be a healthy.
If you ever have any questions I am more than happy to answer them. Either arrange a time to meet with me through the office, or e mail me at
Thank you.

Pauline Cahill

Thursday 29 January 2015

Welcome back to Room 5!

I hope everyone has had a very restful and happy holiday. A special welcome to new children and their parents. I am looking forward to teaching your child and meeting with you. Please call in if you have any questions, or to introduce yourself before or after school.

There are 23 children in our class, 15 boys and 8 girls. 

We will be getting to know each other and setting routines for the first two weeks. We have swimming daily at 12am to practise for the swimming sports so children need togs for this.
We will be doing some art for the flower show at Waimahaka on13th February in the first week of term. Library day at school is each Wednesday, and I really like children to be getting new books each week.

Starting in week 2 there will be a homework sheet, as well as reading each night. There will be information on this sheet for you. Homework is not meant to be stressful. It is meant to practice work or reading at an easy level, so stop and let me know if there are any issues. Usually on shorter weeks eg. Waitangi there is no homework sheet.

Kind regards
Karen Dagg.

Monday 11 August 2014

home activities for place value

Number Activities to 1000


Each week a homework sheet will be sent home. If it is a short week sometimes there will not be a sheet.

Over the next 2 weeks we are reviewing fractions, starting with reading fractions in words and numbers correctly. We are learning to use the language of fractions correctly. Did you know the line between a fraction is called a fraction bar? It also has another name in Latin. Google this.

I think 6 year olds can definitely cook, because you can have fun, like after you have mixed  the cream you can lick the beaters and  you can lick the bowl too.
But, you need an adult around and some times Kayden  gets the cream all over  his  face.
Me and Kayden love making   pancakes, we just need supervised. Last week mum was making playdough. Kameron got  the flour out and tipped it all over him. He was there for hours, but I don’t  think  under 4 year olds can cook because  they can’t read and they make a mess.
I  know all the safety rules like  how to keep people safe as well as me. I know  how to turn the power on and off. If there is a sign on the food that says no kids,  go with it. I have made heaps. As an example: jellycake and muffins. Kameron is always into the food and making a mess.
I absolutely think  6  years olds can cook. If you have not tried,  I  think you should. BUT I make a mess  sometimes too. Like I said, I absolutely think  6 year olds can cook.
